Training and Placement

Prof. Dhananjay B. Shivpuje
Head Training & Placement
Mob : 9623692939
Email :
Campus Recruitment Team
The T & P Cell provides ample opportunities to the students to develop their personality by conducting training programs regularly on communication skills and soft skills. We have added Soft Skill & Aptitude Sessions in daily time-table for all the classes. Training activities are organized throughout the year in an effort towards preparing the prospective students for the campus selection process. Training & Placement Cell makes the students Industry-ready candidates. The Cell is well equipped with generous infrastructure in terms of Seminar Halls, Meeting Hall for Pre-Placement Talk, Presentations, Interview, & GD Cabins etc.
Campus process infrastructure
- Sufficient class rooms for written test
- Separate cabins for interviews and GD
- Auditorium with capacity of 300 students is equipped with latest PA system & Presentation facilities.
Staff Coordinators
Sr. No. | Name | Department | Mobile Number | |
1. | Prof. Dhananjay Shivpuje | Head Training & Placement | 9623692939 | |
2. | Prof. Sharad Adlinge | Civil engineering | 8275459267 | |
3. | Prof. Shshikant Mane | Mechanical Engineering | 8766909394 | |
4. | Prof. Durga Patil | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | 9764261627 | |
5. | Prof. Vinayak Sale | Artificial Intelligence & Data Science | 9175799480 | |
6. | Prof. Atish Jadhav | Computer Science & Engineering | 7350191275 | |
7. | Prof. Avinash Suryagan | Electrical Engineering | 9860198214 | |
Facilities at T&P for Campus and Joint campus placement activities
- Dedicated Cabins / room for Campus Interview and Group Discussion
- Best Facilities for Pool / Joint Campus Interview Process
- 300 Seating Capacity Auditorium Equipped with Projector, Screen and Sound System
- Best Facilities for online test with 400 PC's with complete uninterrupted power supply
- Networking Details (LAN, WAN, Email, Internet Dial Up ,Dedicated Leased Lines 200 Mbps Bandwidth),100/1000 Optical Fiber back bone to interconnect PC and Servers
- Online Test with PC is on single floor. Networking Details
- 100/1000 Gigabit Campus Wide LAN, Optical fiber back bone to interconnect PC and Servers.
- 500 MBPS dedicated leased line for internet connectivity.
- IBMX-3100 processor SERVER with RAID Disks