- A “Two day workshop on “Quality Assurance through Accreditation Process” was organized at FTC, COER on 10th and11th March 2022 from 10:00AM to 5:00 PM. This workshop is being organised by Mechanical Engineering department. Around 45 staff members have participated in this workshop. The member of Training team was Dr.Vikram Patil (Director, ADCET, Ashta) & Prof. Kiran Burele (Dean QA, ADCET,Ashta)
- The Course content is as follows:
This FDP is useful for preparation of NAAC SSR. It also helps to improve the quality assurance through accreditation process.
- This course covered all the NACC Criteria.
- CO & Po Mapping.
- It gives guidelines on Accreditation Process.
- It helping employers to determine the program credibility & knowledge of students.
- It creates goals for self-improvement of educational institutions.
- Improving enrolment rate by wining trust of parents and students.