Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities
DTE Choice Code

Mrs. Jyoti Sahadev Shinde
Head of Department
Engineering is the designing, testing and building of machines, structures and processes using mathematics and science. So the study of basic sciences plays an important role in engineering and technology. The department includes the subjects of science like Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Communication skill from humanity. The department has a team of highly qualified (Doctorate), experienced faculty members with proven skills in their respective subjects. The department has well-furnished classrooms and well equipped laboratories and facilities required for practical’s of respective subjects. The department has good quality research papers in peer reviewed national, international journals and conferences.
First year department has been established in June 2011 at the same time of the inception of the Fabtech Technical Campus, Sangola. We most of highly qualified faculties and industrious non-teaching staff. As always First Year department has been the foundation for all other departments. It has always maintained its reputation of consistently the expectations results.
We, in the first year department, look after the overall skill development and instilling the social as well as moral values and other life skills in the students’ minds. We in the first year department organize parent meet every semester for us to understand student’s needs and work out an inclusive policy. Apart from celebrating all other professional days and events we hold Paper Presentation and Project Presentation competition on the occasion of Engineers Day and Science Day. We sow the seeds of entrepreneurship and nurture them in the first year itself. We encourage the students to actively participate in cultural and sports activities to get them exposed to healthy competition and overall development of their personalities
The main feature we are proud of is our well-equipped English Language Lab and the quality of training we provide to strengthen the base of students communication Skills. We relentlessly monitor and evaluate the students’ progress on multiple dimensions and make them stubborn enough not to bend in any situation.
Salient features
- Ph. D. qualified and Dedicated faculty members.
- Digital and spacious classrooms.
- Well-equipped laboratories.
- Air-conditioned seminar hall and digital library.
- Excellent academic track record.
- Hand on training and skill development programs.
- Excellent discipline.
- Solid teacher student interaction.
- Personal attention towards the progress of students through GFM scheme.
- Series of expert lectures, Seminar and Induction program for development of students.
- Excellent academic result .
- To build healthy relationship through preparing research, management, innovative teaching methodology focused on increasing the equity, effectiveness and efficiency in teaching learning methodology which will be helpful to institute and community.
- The mission of the department is to improve the student's quality as per the today’s technological era in terms of Developing the students’ technological knowledge. Conducting the highest quality research Innovating methods to solve the queries of respective subjects. To strengthen the relationship with industries to disseminate and apply new knowledge.