Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Student’s Association

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Student Association (ETESA)

It is the student association of Electronic & Tele-Communication Engineering Department. It was found on 1st July. 2014; ETESA has been coordinated under the young and dynamic leadership of the head of the department; Prof. D.M. Raut & ETESA faculty coordinator, Prof. Patil D.S . The main aim of the student association is to bind all the students together by considering their technical and Non-Technical ideas. Actually ETESA help to support the students’ views regarding any technical and Non-Inception of ETESA, We have organized some state level events as well as celebrated the various activities like Teachers Day, Technical event, ELECTROSPARK, TECHNOFAB-2K16,2K 17,2K18,2K19, 2K20, 2K23, 2K24 and other departmental activity , welcome function of second year students and farewell function for final year students of the department as well as Teacher’s Day & Engineer’s Day Also.

Sr.No. Designation Name Class Phone
1 President Mr. Shhebkhan Pathan B.Tech E&TC 7757868220
2 Vice-President Mr. Anuja Khandekar B.Tech E&TC 9607655214
3 Secretary Ms. Tejas Kuchekar B.Tech E&TC 7972826580
4 Treasurer Ms. Gauri Bansode B.Tech E&TC 9579924798
5 Event Coordinator Ms. Sakshi Kohale B.Tech E&TC 9284187766